Become a member?
Lid worden van de Gidsenkring Lange Nelle? Er zijn ongetwijfeld tal van dwingende redenen om lid te worden van de Gidsenkring!
Al meer dan 30 jaar biedt onze organisatie een brede waaier aan voordelen voor zowel leden als niet-leden!
Are you a city resident or a regional resident?
Are you planning to live or work in Ostend? Or do you want to keep your connection with the city?
Becoming a member of the Guides' Association will undoubtedly keep you rooted in Ostend and its surroundings! You will certainly be interested in various topics.
Each member receives Gidsenblad, a quarterly magazine containing practical information about lectures, excursions and events, as well as interesting contributions on various aspects of our city or region. This gives you the opportunity to get to know and appreciate our rich cultural and historical heritage.
Als lid kunt u gratis of tegen een gereduceerd tarief gebruik maken van de volgende activiteiten:
Excursions to unique locations are carefully selected for you by qualified guides who also accompany you on your tour with great expertise.
Provinciaal jaarboek
You will receive this book once a year on a topic that is somewhat broader than your own region.
What does it cost?
All the above benefits are available for:
- €20 per year (€25 abroad);
- for €25 you receive a family ticket (valid for two persons);
- for €30 you are a supporting member (two family members).
Honorary members and supporting members are mentioned by name in our guidebook.
Transfer your contribution today to the following account BE91 3800 0491 8476 van Gidsenkring Lange Nelle vzw.